About Us

Established in October 2021, LICO Materials Private Limited is a Recycling Company with a focus on recycling end of life lithium-ion batteries. LICO is creating a sustainable circular economy solution in the lithium-ion battery supply chain for the recovery of critical materials. Lithium, cobalt, manganese, and nickel are to be given back to battery manufacturers to give the materials a second life.


battery recycling

LICO’s business model aims to create a sustainable environment through its reduced waste and zero waste process of battery recycling.

The ethos is to provide a better environment in order to create a circular economy.

Its primary objective is to support the environment for a cleaner future.


Lithium-ion battery recycling Technology
LICO uses a mechanical shredding process where spent lithium-ion batteries will be shredded and crushed into fine sizing. Magnetic separation, vibration screens and multiple sieving techniques will separate the plastic, steel, aluminium foil, copper foil and black mass. This process ensures zero waste and zero discharge supporting eco-friendly recycling, thus, recovering everything from the spent batteries and having zero losses of critical materials or battery waste.

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